
12 May 2024

sciwork February and March 2024 review: CFD workshop and scisprint

Weekly Meetup

During the meetup events in February and March, modmesh contributors made the installation process of modmesh on windows computers smoother and fixed many CI related issues, while some contributors developed many plotting related features to make the presentation of the mesh more flexible.

In addition to project development …

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Ming-Jie Kuo
04 Mar 2024

sciwork January 2024 review: weekly meetup and Hsinchu scisprint

Weekly Meetup

In the January meetup, Yung-Yu introduced the CESE method, which is utilized in the modmesh project to solve the fluid dynamics problem. This provided modmesh members with a deeper understanding of using numerical methods to solve the partial differential equations. Meanwhile, Ming-Jie delved into researching the CESE method …

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Ming-Jie Kuo
06 Jan 2024

sciwork December 2023 review: weekly meetup and Taipei scisprint

In December 2023, sciwork hosted two event series, the weekly meetup and the monthly Scisprint.

Weekly Meetup

A lot of students from National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University joined the December meetups to discuss the courses they took and project development. We did preparational work for sciwork 2023 conference and …

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Ming-Jie Kuo